My storytelling debut with Oral Fixation


In April of 2013, I made my live storytelling debut on the stage with Oral Fixation, Dallas's premiere storytelling event. The theme was "Miss the Boat" and my story was one from my adolescence, featuring my inimitable Mom, a cruise ship and short-term stepfather gone mad. I've been writing most of my life and performed before audiences before, but this was the first time I'd shared one of my own stories in a theatre. It was a terrific experience. I was even more delighted when I was selected as one of the performers for the Best of Season ll show, the first of Oral Fixation's shows held at the AT&T Performing Arts Center. I am so very happy that Mom was able to see both shows.

Oral Fixation just released the video of my story, a year and half later. I wish I could share it with Mom once more. This - and all the stories yet to come! - is for you, Mom. xxx

Gretchen Goetz recalls how she walked away unscathed from a vacation turned disaster. Performed in "Miss the Boat" on April 23rd, 2013 at The McKinney Avenue Contemporary, Dallas, TX. more: